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Morten Middelboe Møllemand
This course is open for singers and singing teachers/vocal pedagogues, who wish to know the theory and the principles behind The Anne Rosing Method and understand the reasons for the structural choices implied in the method.
You will receive a thorough introduction to the anatomi and physiology of the singing body, the breath support and 'the grain of the voice'. The theory will be used in praxis through exercises covering all three main areas.
You will learn to treat some of the dominant compensatory muscle tensions, for instance around the jaw, the tongue root and the laryngeal constrictors.
Furthermore you will be orientated about new research in the singing field and its possible impact on educational practice.
No previous knowledge is demanded, but each lesson will require some studying of relevant literature.
The course has been estimated to equate 2,8 ETCS credit points.
Friday 17 March 2023 from 16.00 to 19.30
Saturday 18 March and Sunday 19 March 2023 from 10.00 to 16.00.
The Anne Rosing Institute, Njalsgade 21F, 7., 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
4.850 kr.
Send an email to
We will send you an invoice to be paid within 7 days of registering for the course.
Bring or wear
Comfortable clothes
Subject to change.

Course in anatomi og physiology
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