Troels Nordal Mørkenborg
Teaches: Individual singing
Troels Mørkenborg holds a master's degree from the Royal Academy of Music majoring in rhythmical singing, singing pedagogy and song/dance/play (SDP). He subsequently studied the Anne Rosing Method, obtaining both the 3-year certification as a singing teacher and the 1-year rehabilitation of the singing voice and conversational voice.
Troels is a dedicated teacher with a broad professional interest. He teaches all levels of singing, rhythmical training from children's music and movement to SPM (song/play/movement) at MGK and in ensemble. Regardless of the subject and level, he always starts from the goals and dreams of the individual student.
He teaches private lessons in Aarhus where he helps many different types of singers – from beginners to professionally trained singers and Danish artists.
He is also affiliated with the MGK department at Skive Music School where he acts as co-ordinator, rhythmical singing teacher and SPM teacher. In addition, he teaches classes in music and movement, ensemble playing/song writing and electives at Børnenes Friskole.
Troels thus has a wide professional range across different musical genres and teaching disciplines.