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The Anne Rosing Method

Central to the Anne Rosing Method is the idea that as an adult – through focused work on your singing technique – it is possible for you to recreate something you were once able to do. It is a ReVoicing process: We are all born as formidable "singers" with a voice with incredible range, resistance to abrasion and richness in overtones. Here, the collaboration between body, breath and voice is supreme. This collaboration must be re-established through basic voice work to make the primary instrument strong.

The method is built on 3 pillars which train your primary instrument:

Training the singing body balance
Training a strong and dynamic breath support
Training a strong voice source

In addition, we use manual treatment to get rid of old, inexpedient tension patterns which prevent or impede your expression of musicality.

It is functional voice training, in principle free from aesthetic norms: Your very own unique "voice print" must be brought out. Every singer's vocal tract has its own characteristic physiognomy, i.e. no two vocal tracts are shaped the same, and therefore, every singer has an integral original timbre. When the voice source functions properly, the sound is free to reproduce, and it becomes evident who you are.
On top of this, there is the specific singing technique training, the training of the core voice. The core voice is characterised by great range, great carrying power and a brilliant timbre.

There are two central singing technique principles in the construction of the core voice: "Inalare la voce" (to "inhale the voice") and "vomitare" (to "vomit"). These two are built on a supreme control of the diaphragm.

The "inalare la voce" technique can be traced back centuries, and it was a crucial concept in the prestigious classical Bel Canto school. In practice, "inalare la voce" can also be observed in many of the supreme rhythmical singers who have great musical freedom, large registers of expression and extensive careers. In its essence, the inalare la voce technique in the Anne Rosing Method involves around maintaining tension in the diaphragm at the moment of onset. A prerequisite is therefore that the singer trains the complete voluntary control of the muscle.

The "vomitare" technique is a certain onset technique, a vacuum onset, which builds the core voice in combination with the "inalare la voce" technique. This type of onset is initiated and controlled by the diaphragm.

It is no coincidence that the diaphragm is referred to as "the singer's muscle". At the musical level, diaphragm control is an important prerequisite to a nuanced musical expression. The diaphragm sits in the thorax, and one of the characteristics of the singing body is the open, almost circular thorax. A collapsed or tensed thorax restricts the free movement of the diaphragm, which limits the musical expression.

When it comes to singing exercises, the Anne Rosing Method is minimalist in the sense that you will be given relatively few exercises to develop your low pitch, your medial range and your high pitch.

During the ReVoicing process, you will sometimes encounter old emotional resistances or former conflicts which have affected your singing voice, and which – despite the fact that these conflicts lie years in the past – limit your present singing voice.

The Anne Rosing Method affects you, the person behind the artist. You could say that the method has a therapeutic effect. The singing body is the body when it is open and centred to its full extent, what in modern American body therapy would be referred to as a "power pose". When you are in this balance, you feel powerful and you access a broad gamut of emotions which fuel your singing. This means that, while you are developing your singing voice, you are simultaneously developing as a person.

Body demo: The singing body is a body template which is the ideal balancing of the body, and which provides optimum working conditions for your singing voice and your breathing.

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